How to get my children to behave during our photo session?

Many people put off getting professional family photos taken because they're worried their children won't 'behave' during the session. I've created this list to help and hopefully reassure you!

  1. We EXPECT children to behave... like children. Really and truly. Unless you are turning up to your photo session with a mannequin, we fully expect your children to behave like the small humans they are. Many of us have our own children and I myself have two little boys aged seven and three. I promise you, nothing will shock me!
  2. Relax and focus on your connection. As a photographer, it's my job to capture the authentic connection you have with your children. If you are relaxed and focused on them, they will be more relaxed. Stress is contagious!
  3. Explain first. It's always a good idea to explain what's going to happen first. Let them know you're going to be taking some family photos so they feel prepared.
  4. Bring some sweeties or little treats. Packing some small sweets or treats in your bag is a really good idea to keep them occupied and engaged. Make sure it's nothing messy though! If you're bringing chocolate then opt for white chocolate. Mini marshmallows are a great choice too!
  5. Trust your photographer. I can't stress this enough- nothing will shock us! I work with families and that means I work with a lot of children. I've spent many a session being a dinosaur, collecting flowers for fairy potions and telling poop jokes (this one is particularly popular with 7 year old boys- including my own!) I have lots of tricks up my sleeve to get the children engaged and having fun.
  6. Don't stress if your toddler isn't smiling. This goes back to capturing your family authentically. If your child isn't smiling we will still get some gorgeous photos. This is also where my bag of tricks comes in because I would always rather capture a genuine smile or moment of joy over a forced one.
  7. Don't put off your family photos. If you're waiting for your child to behave perfectly, you'll be waiting a long time (I'm 32 and I still haven't mastered it). Don't put off capturing your family as it is right now, I promise you won't regret it!

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